PLATFROM FOR SUITABLE INVESTORS and TRADERS ( introduces the Capital Market and Social Finance Network supported by blockchain throughout the world. developed for the comfort and security of investors to conduct transactions and exchange of digital currencies in the world, is a digital asset-based cryptocurrency exchange trading platform project, the main aspects of the digital economy will be simplified and simplified and more clearly thanks to the diverse ecosystem / platform, will provide an easy-to-use platform service for investors and digital currency traders as well as crypto-space real-world money, itself will offer unique trade, the same platform smart, easy, clearer and easier to understand for traders and investors in the digital world,

Harnessing the diversity of trade worldwide the team is not silent to create a strong and intelligent digital currency exchange platform, not only to meet the needs of traditional stock traders and investors but also to simplify the trading process that allows everyone to be part of technology revolution.

The development of the digital world cryptocurrency market is not as easy as the platfrom thinks, but the number of requests from the public complaining about digital exchange trading that does not suit investors, the team itself is working hard to develop trading platforms, assets digital and real world investors, the team from platfrom itself has now found the platform that is wanted by digital world asset players and small and large-scale investors in the real world and in the world of cryptocurrency, an easy and smart launch platform called ( platform that has been awaited by traders and investors in digital assets.

About tokens that are launched by platform, Token name (XX)
If investors want to buy tokens from GLX called XX tokens below are details and how to buy them.
GLX has created a series of security tokens on Polymath. Networks represent class A common voting ownership at GLX, Inc. The XX tokens are available to non-US investors under Regulation S and are published on the Ethereum blockchain using standard Polymath ST20 compliance.

The price of the token is set at 700 XX per 1 ETH (around $ 0.20 per USD token). There is a hard stamp of 6 million XX tokens; 5 million available for sale and 1 million available for prizes and bonuses. To get a white list and buy tokens, non-US investors must register at and send an email to your ETH wallet address to to start the KYC / AML / process CTF GLX.

Author : Vehawendit


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