

What is it and what is the essence of the project Quickx ?!

QuickX is a new decentralized platform designed to provide cryptoeconomic communities with optimal and accurate solutions to the flaws that are currently present in the blockchain technology.

QuickX gives you the opportunity to move all kinds of cryptocurrencies between the two sides instantly, as well as in the classic procedures of digital movement. Thus, allowing transactions to occur easily and instantly, without intermediaries who need to pay excessive fees. The project uses advanced solutions using Secugenius.

Secugenius is a unique and advanced security service, as well as providing efficient and necessary decision mechanisms. Secugenius is the structure, the purpose of which is to apply a large pool of knowledge, skills and experience in the field of security and protection. All this is required in order to become an assistant in the creation of reliable security schemes and algorithms, where unlimited and direct growth of AT is ensured.

QuickX includes the following elements:
your wallet that supports multicurrency;
debit card supporting multicurrency;
exchange of cryptocurrency without fees;
a payment system using the Quickx protocol, through which cryptoeconomics is made available to communities in traditional transactions around the world.

Problems and solutions.

Quickx highlights a number of problems associated with blockchain technology in ecosystems today. This directly affects the adoption of the blockchain technology as a medium of exchange for daily operations in payment and exchange systems.

1. Time and speed.


but. Quickx offers to create a backend exchange center and provide payment APIs for merchants and users, for instant conversion of cryptocurrency in a cryptographic secure way.

b. It also proposes to make a change in the status of cryptocurrency from stocks as an object of real expendable currency, which will be of interest to the public. This will provide an opportunity to get instant payment method for users.

2. Overpriced transaction / transaction value.


Creating a decentralized transaction network of offline chains, where the cryptocurrency can be instantly transferred from one user to another.

Transaction Algorithm:

1. The first side, let's call it the manufacturer, makes its proposal.

2. The smart protocol takes the corresponding tokens in escrow.

3. The second side, we denote it by the merchant, selects this offer.

4. The first side - the manufacturer, sends the requested markers.

5. The second party accepts the proposed tokens.

3. Scalability.


but. Transaction coordinators will be created to support the case of orders in the blockchain with zero payment while maintaining records. Their goal is to approve a deal. That is, carrying out transactions that the user needs without any restrictions and without intermediaries.

b. But there is also an opportunity, for users with any liquidity, to become an intermediary of the transaction and earn on commission, maintaining a book of orders on a block chain.

4. Cross transfer.


Quickx gives access to those who have enough liquidity to become an intermediary. This is done by combining intermediaries to provide an instantaneous interconnection between various protocols, such as blockcodes, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Tire or any sign of ERC20 through an existing liquidity reserve.
Ico. Highlights.

Token: QCX;

Platform: Ethereum; Type: ERC20;

The main sale: start 03/15/18 end of 8/31/18;

Price: 1 ETH = 7500 QCX;

Number of tokens: 250 million QCX;

Accepting currency: BTC, ETH;

max collection: 29,123 ETH; min charge: 4000 ETH;

Country: Gibraltar. Restrictions on participation in the United States only.

Tokens are distributed as follows:

- 50% sale of tokens; - 15% liquidity reserve; - 13% of the founders and the team; - 10% strategic partnership program; - 5% advisors; - 5% sale for private investors; - 2% bounty.
Road map.

2018: multi-currency wallet (Android version); extensive research on the QuickX protocol; Crypto Debit card supporting multiple currencies; multicurrency wallet (iOS version). 2019: structuring of the QuickX protocol; adding more cryptocurrency in the wallet; Launch Alpha Version QuickX Protocol; testing the alpha version of the QuickX protocol; QuickX Protocol is fully functional and operational;

2020: currency exchange using the QuickX protocol; integration of more payment methods using QuikX Protocol; 2021: Expanding the market and bringing more Blockchains to one.

All important information can be found here:

Official website: https://www.quickx.io/
WhitePaper: https://www.quickx.io/whitepaper/QuickXProtocolv1.7.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/quickxprotocol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quickxprotocol

Author : Vehawendit


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