ERN Project


The current problems with cryptocurrency mining are expensive equipment, rising energy costs and a slow return on investment. Mobile devices are not designed for this purpose, it overloads the battery and eats memory space, which makes it inoperative. Exchange platforms earn billions of dollars from their users. These revenues do not affect users. Only the platform gets the most revenue.
That is why for its flagship product, the ERN project is a portable smart device. Mindé Pocket Miner is the first portable device with the latest developments, supporting the installation of a cryptocurrency wallet and a mobile application.
Listern is the newest audio platform, with songs, voice clips and audio books. Listern uses Blockchain technology to evenly distribute profits among advertisers, authors, and viewers. The Listern platform offers the latest Ecosystem, allowing the viewer, advertiser and author to publish, distribute and listen to audio, accumulating ERN in the Ecosystem.
Mindé Pocket Miner is a portable smart device, where integrated: microSD memory card, touch interface, camera and battery, which can also be used as a power source. Also Mindé Pocket Miner, will be used as a wallet for tokens and cryptocurrency. Mindé Pocket Miner uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth integration and support.
ERN Token
ERN is an ERC-20 token released on Blockchain Ethereum. With ERN, you can purchase products and services such as the Mindé Pocket Miner. The task of the project team is to provide the latest and modern technological developments to overcome the difficulties faced by cryptocurrency experts.

Q4 2017
- Beginning of partner collaboration with the development team.
- The founders and its core team determine the feasibility of the platform and its ecosystems.
Q1 2018
- A set of additional developers.
- Mark the idea in WHITE PAPER and other technical and legal documentation.
- Writing the concept of work in the technical documentation for the platform LISTERN Platform and Minde Miner.
- Launching a prototype of a bonus system based on LISTERN Audio Sharing (ERC20) for listening to an audio file.
- Negotiations and partnerships with customers and investors for the ERN project.
Q2 2018
- Ad Airdrop, Whitelisting and Bounty.
- Completion and publication of White Paper.
- Release of MVP bonus system LISTERN Audio Sharing Plarform, based on the chain of bindings in ERC20.
- Launch a website for private sales, up to ICO and Crowdsale.
- Private sale.
- Token Pre - ICO.
- Sale Token Crowd.
Q3 2018 —
Expanded engineering team.
- Product Development for Minde Miner.
- Blockchain architecture and design for ERN Coin.
- Start developing a custom audio player LIST ERN Platform.
- Begin development of the ERNPay Wallet service.
- Start developing a Mindé Miner mining application.
- Start testing rewards and earnings in the Blockchain.
- Begin development of the LISTERN platform.
- The charging of coins.
—The beginning of the ERN transfer to the exchange.
Q4 2018
- Migration from ERN ERC20 to its own Blockchain.
- The release of the MVP wallet services ERNPay for web applications.
- Start developing an ERNPay wallet for Android and iOS.
- Start creating a Mindé Pocket Miner application.
Q1 2019
- MVP release and testing for BlockchainERN.
- Release MVP on ERN Audio Player.
- Release MVP prototype Mindé Miner and its components.
- MVP release for ERN Marketplace, CMS and audio sharing platform.
—Inclusion of advertising monetization through the ERN platform ecosystem.
—Expansion of the development team and consultants.
Q2 2019 —
Beta release and Blockchain ERN test
—Beta version of the ERN Audio Player platform.
—Beta release of Minde Miner and its components.
- Beta release of ERN Marketplace, CMS and its audio sharing platform.
- MVP release for ERNPay iOS and Android.
Q3 2019
- Full launch of its own Blockchain ERN.
- Full launch Mindé Pocket.
- Improvement of the ERN platform for additional services.

For more information and to join ERN PROJECT social media, please follow the following resources:

white paper:
ANN thread:

Author : Vehawendit


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