HOT Project Introduction: BlooCYS

As technology and development time can move more quickly, even in the case of mobile phones, the pace of the Internet continues to grow, as the Internet is slowing down. People are wasting time looking for new things. Very different from the old days, things became difficult without any communication tools like today. As the time passed by BlooCYS was present, consumers now want everything right now. BlooCYS can search for information in seconds. BlooCYS can also send emails with just a few operations without having to wait a long time to waste your time. BlooCYS can also order items with a few rolls and just swipe without having to go to the item's position.

Did you know about BlooCYS?
BlooCYS is a platform similar to Uber where this platform can help you as a consumer who has engaged in this profession in a professional way is also appropriate to hire the consulting services that consumers need. It can help you learn and learn new languages ​​you did not know before. Can do makeup or hair tutorial. Or it can also fix bugs or issues related to IT. The possibilities are unlimited. All through video. And in real time. That is the benefit that you will get when you have this BlooCYS Platform. Because the vision of the BlooCYS form aims to ruin and facilitate you.

BlooCYS can also be interpreted as a win platform for everyone or anyone.

Customers can find professionals at their fingertips, while professionals can use their skills to earn extra income through free opportunities.

Built from new hierarchical modeling and tokenization, real-time video capabilities, user verification and review, service directories can be expert, blockchain technology, transparency and intelligent contract with This gives the platform the potential to revolutionize and optimize the way people access and provide expert services.

Provides great user experience through our key features

Real-time communications
• Real-time video • Live chat
• Video recording
• Video analysis

• ID verification and verification
• Ranking and rating
• BlooCYS wallet
• Smart contract
• Payment by encryption

• Service Portfolio • Crowd
Recommendations • Talent Promotion
• Partner Integration and API
• Dispute Resolution

Why BlooCYS is a secure and transparent ecosystem that will benefit everyone.

Because there are many things you need to know as below.

• Professionals can be their own boss and can be flexible to work anywhere, anytime and anywhere
• Experts can maximize the economic potential of their skills
• Comfort
• No geographic barriers
• Peace of mind for customers seeking services from real professionals
• Customers can immediately find the services they need, anytime, anywhere
• Costs - effective because it eliminates intermediaries and high transaction costs
• smart contracts allow unlimited transactions and eliminate potential disputes
• transparency, security and privacy through basic technology blockchain

You need to know that it will not be possible if a platform has no token.

Which tokens are available to BloodCYS and what is the cost of each token?
The following is an explanation of the tokens that BloodCYS has.

CYS is a Token owned by the BloodCYS platform, here is a CYS message token

Token Name PreICO Price 1 CYS = 0.1 USD Ethereal
Acceptance ETH
Caps 5.000.000 USD
Hard Hat 40,000,000 USD

BlooCYS is the basis for taking Uber as a base. It allows you to hire experts for real-time video consulting services. It could be learning a new language. Makeup or hair tutorial. Or fix bugs or IT problems. The possibilities are endless. All through video. And in real time.

The BlooCYS platform offers the convenience, on-time delivery, and high standards of service that today's customers expect. In fact, BlooCYS consulting services can be provided anytime, anywhere. At the same time, BlooCYS allows professionals and professionals in different areas looking for more flexible working mechanisms or additional income.

Built from a new hierarchical and tokenization model, the ability of BlooCYS video clips in real-time, user testing and evaluation, a comprehensive guide to finding experts from the expert, technology. blockchain for transparency and smart contract. An opportunity to revolutionize and optimize what people receive and provide expert services.

Thomas Edison had an unusual way to hire his engineers. He held up a light bulb and asked the candidate how much water it would hold. Some candidates have used gauges, measurements and scientific calculations to determine the answer. Others just fill the bulb with water and then pour the contents into a measuring cup. Candidates who have jobs? People use a simple approach - filling the bulb with water.

Once you've identified the type of person you want to add to your group, wrote a job description and decided on the salary range you started looking for. Where do you go to find people to help you realize your business vision?

The best place to start is in your own business network. Reach out to others you respect and let them know that you are looking for a qualified candidate. Many business owners and managers are finding themselves in a difficult position to lay off good employees, and they will welcome the opportunity to introduce them whenever possible. (Remember, however, the importance of identifying an experienced candidate or entrepreneurial mindset.)
In addition, almost all entrepreneurs have old friends and colleagues in the process of finding. find a job. For me, network connectivity is always proven to be the best way to find high quality individuals.

Human resources, although more expensive, can also be worth the money. Normally, you pay a human resources agency a one percent annual salary of the employee. However, just like with a temporary employment agency, they will help you fine-tune your job description, set fair wage scales, check all candidates, conduct inspections, and Perform the required background checks and referencing. If you have never had any recruiting experience, an HR staff can be a smart way to go.

But there is the best way to hire professionals for your business, using BlooCYS. BlooCYS allows you to hire professionals more easily and effectively. BlooCYS is truly unique as it provides the convenience, timely delivery and high service standards that today's consumers demand. In fact, BlooCYS advice can be given to them whether they are at home, in the office, in the cafe or in the park. At the same time, BlooCYS empowers professionals and professionals in various fields who are looking for more flexible work arrangements or additional income.

For more information, please visit link in here

Author : Vehawendit


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